All women of the parish are invited to attend the next Magnificat Meal, featuring Chris Macgruer, Executive Producer of the film, "The Veil Removed." The brunch will be held Sat., Dec. 4, 10:00 am at Resurrection of Our Lord, Pocahontas. Tickets are $20 and payable with PayPal or by check, info is at our webpage, Deadline to RSVP is Nov. 29.
Chris Magruder is a cradle Catholic who continues to be awakened to the truths of God through continual learning of her Catholic faith. Having had her eyes opened to scripture in her 20s, thanks to her Protestant friends, she was motivated to learn why the Catholic Church believes what it does. Then with the help of the Holy Spirit through Christ Renews His Parish, being a wife of almost 32 years, raising her three children, teaching and coaching in the local Catholic schools and a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, her faith has grown and become more alive. At present she is a cohost on Catholic Women Now on Iowa Catholic Radio and is the executive producer of “The Veil Removed” and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Her favorite response to the needs of family and friends is “Let’s pray about it.”